Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Information Gathering for Meet the Teacher

I was contemplating what to do for meet the teacher night to gather information. I know the district and school will require certain information and will provide those sheets, but I didn't know what I wanted for me. So, instead of a long packet of information and things to fill out, I decided to use a simple 5x7 notecard to gather my information. The only thing that I am missing is how students will go home the first day of school. But here is what info I did ask for! (In the circle in the corner, I will write the child's individual number). I am going to hole punch the corner of these and then put them on a ring and keep them handy!

I think this covers everything I will need! :-)

Small circle clip art from
Page border from Creative Clips by Krista Wallden! (LOVE THESE BORDERS!)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome to Second Grade!

I think I am just as excited as the kiddos (assuming they're excited!) for Second Grade! I wanted to welcome them back in a cute way so I found this poem and made little goodie bags. I'm thinking I will lay them side by side on their desks for meet the teacher night.

Because I am so new I am worried about meet the teacher and the first day of school, if you have ANY help or IDEAS please share!!! 

Here's a picture of my goodie bags and poems! Hope the kids love them as much as I do!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

You made it to blue!

Blue is the BEST students can do on my clip chart! It's hard to do but I like to reward them when they get there! It's also good to have on those days when no one is behaving perfectly! Last year, I would throw together a handwritten note and candy last second and give it to my student. This year I wanted to be prepared. I cut out the stars and added some glitter glue. Then found some blue pencils, erasers and blue raspberry blow pop (all from the dollar store) and assembled them so they're ready when I need them! I hope the kids enjoy them! 
Let the creativity flow! It won't last much longer. Next week I have ELD training so ill be back in the groove of things. And hopefully I will get to FINALLY see my new classroom. I also found out that meet the teacher is on my birthday! Again! Oh well, at least ill get to meet some new kiddos! :-)

Enjoy the rest of break everyone!
PS! I am working on a unit about time for TPT. Lets see if I can do this!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Birthday! (In advance!)

I was seeing this all over blogs and Pinterest and knew I had to do it too! It will take away so much scrounging around time having these pre-made gifts ready! The balloons say "Just swinging by to say happy birthday!" to go with my monkey/jungle theme! Made with giant pixie sticks and a balloon I printed off (four to a page) taped on and some ribbon! 

I hope the kiddos like them too! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Behavior and Reading Log

Behavior Log. Check
Reading Log. Check
Reading Log Incentive. Check
UPDATE: Behavior Logs for the ENTIRE YEAR! CHECK! Wooooo hooooo!

Thought I would do something new this year (and a mix of what I did student teaching in 3rd and what I did last year in 1st) create a behavior log calendar that will go in the student's nightly/homework folder. This year students will draw their color of smiley (or sad) face on the calendar and get it initialed nightly. I want parents and guardians to know how their children are doing so I find that important (it can always change!)

I also made a notes page that will go on the back of it. If a student is on orange or red, I will write a quick note of what the student was doing that day.

I found a free download of the blank calendar here:

As for the reading log, I provided two pages... that way the overachievers will read, read, read. I hope it motivates all of the students. I also saw the incentive page online, so why create something that is already created? I know some students will finish this every month, others may not, it will roll over from month to month. I did decide to offer an incentive if they do complete it (a prize from the prize box or coupon)!

Hopefully it works out.

Thanks for checking this out!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Meet The Teacher

I experienced my first Meet the Teacher Night (on my birthday!) during my last semester of student teaching (aka last year). It was fun and a whirlwind, but I am trying to remember and figure out what I need to do! I know the school will have forms to fill out, as will I including parent contact info, etc. I also wanted to do something special for the students. I saw on another blog (forgive me, I don't remember... I just saved the picture) and changed it from first grade to second grade. I have cute little monkey goodie bags (from the dollar store) to fill with the items and put this with. Students will have that and I will also have something for them to work on while their parents are doing the dirty work. Here is an example of what I created (2 to a page to save paper, of course!) and am super excited for it!

See ya later alligator!


It's not from me but from a member of my first grade team last year and one of her good friends. Knowing Kayleigh and the AMAZING work she does, this giveaway is well worth entering! Anyone teaching K-2 (or even 3rd) would find this very useful! So take a look and enter to win here! May the odds be ever in your favor! (Man, I love the Hunger Games so much!)

Hope you are having a marvelous Monday!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Go Bananas!

Just saw this silly video on YouTube! I am totally going to play it for my students... kids love this kind of stuff! And the knock knock joke is my favorite (it's the only one I ever remember!). This made me laugh so I had to share.

My First Blog Post... Ever!

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to have the time to get this started and can hopefully make the time to add to it once school starts! I am currently in the process of going through all of my resources from my first grade classroom and deciding how I can use them again or make them more challenging for my upcoming second graders! I am so excited to be teaching second grade this upcoming year! I really enjoyed my first graders last year, and loved student teaching in third grade, so this should be just right! I will hopefully post some freebies soon and also need to take the time to get my TPT site ready for business and for you to check out!