Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Day of School

Today was day one! Here is a picture of me on my first day of second grade and my first day of teaching it! It was an exhausting day and I am ready for bed. Will post more soon! 

My Classroom!

Teacher desk area. I LOVE ASU!

Student work and math area!

Word wall and grammar wall. Grammar wall is a district thing.

Clip chart in the back of the room! Love my palm tree clip chart!

My birthday board. To soon be competed with student photos!

Back of the room student books and library area.

Library area with Ellie just hanging out! 

Computer area (missing one!) thinking map area, objectives and daily schedule area!

Front of the room and smart board (and balloons for my birthday-it was meet the teacher night!)

That's all for now! Talk to you soon!