Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thinking Maps Galore

So this past Friday, I did Thinking Map training... AGAIN! I'd like to think I'm an expert by now! As a fellow teacher said, I could teach the training by now! Thinking Maps are all over my classroom and I love to use them!

 This week I decided to make a life size flow map... The kids can walk across it and each box is individual so you can add or subtract boxes.

My class did first, next, then, last so we used four boxes on Monday and Tuesday. The students walked across it and told what happened. My students would tell if they agree or disagree with the student and they loved it! The next day we talked about beginning, middle, end so we talked about how we could combine next and then in order to make the middle of the story. ( I got to use this in my observation, pretty sure it was a hit! The principal was taking pictures... Still haven't got my feedback yet though.) 

I simply cut butcher paper the size of the laminator and then cut some arrows and taped them to it. Slid it threw and that was it! Simple prep for something that had such a big impact!!!

Hope that you all can use this too!